Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Summer Holidays:Year end in SRM University

Summer Holidays had started in SRM University on 15th of May marking the beginning of two months long holidays, for which the University students were waiting for a long time. Its a real advantage in this University that the students are given proper year end holidays so that they can relax and join different diploma and physical activity according to their choice.
Well for first year has ended for me and looking back at my whole academic year, I think it went too fast not only for me but for all of my batch mates. Like other srmites I am also looking for diploma courses in embedded c language since I am an electronics students.
I have already mentioned in older post that my college has a weak infrastructure so the college authorities has decided to renovate the whole college in these two months of academic holidays. The college is getting now its first a.c hostel, construction has been going on. The college is also renovating its workshop lab,installing new instruments in automobile lab. The whole administrative block is under renovation with new offices being made.
Well the summer holidays are considered to be the best part of the SRM University.